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Sharpen up your winter driving with a Winter Health Check

Book your winter health check for only £29.99

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Get your vehicle holiday ready with Hendy’s Summer Health Check only £29.99!

Make sure that your vehicle is in the best condition for your summer journey, and what better way to do this than with a Summer Health Check at Hendy!

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Looking after you and your vehicle

While that signature silver dusting on our gardens and driveways might be a pretty sight, it’s important to be prepared for winter driving to ensure a visit from Jack Frost doesn’t freeze your plans. Book your winter health check for only £29.99.

Booking a winter car check at your local Hendy will get you ready for anything the cold snap throws at you. Our expert technicians look at the parts of your car most affected by winter conditions:

  • Battery

  • All lights

  • Fluid levels (check includes an anti-freeze top-up)

  • Wiper blades

  • Windscreen

  • Tyres

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Tread carefully this winter

Here at Hendy, we’re here to look after you and your car. Our Winter Health Check will help you breeze through any challenges posed by the colder weather, be it snow, ice or poor visibility.

As part of this comprehensive car health check, we’ll perform a thorough assessment of your tyres, which are crucial for keeping you safe in slippery conditions. We’ll look at the tread and also check for signs of damage, bulges and uneven wear.

Our expert technicians will let you know if we find anything or have any recommendations.

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Breeze through the cold snap

Our winter car check is not only designed to keep you safe, but it might also spare you the inconvenience and cost of a breakdown.

Minor issues can snowball during the winter. For example, wiper blades with worn rubber might have seen you through the summer but will be no match for ice or snow, which is why these seasonal safety checks are so important.

What’s more, batteries are especially vulnerable to winter conditions due to the increased use of the heater and lights – we’ll give it a full check to ensure that it is able to cope throughout the season.

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Book your Winter Health Check

Don’t let the frost bite. Sharpen up your winter driving with Hendy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book my Winter Health Check?

You can book your vehicle for a Winter Health Check online here.

Can I choose which dealership I take my vehicle to?

Yes, via our online booking portal, you can select the dealership most convenient for you.

Is the Winter Health Check available for all makes and models?

Yes, any make and model can take advantage of our Winter Health Check.

Why is a Winter Health Check important?

A Winter Health Check will ensure the parts of our car most affected by cold weather are in tip-top condition, ensuring you are prepared for winter driving.

I've never visited Hendy before. Is a Winter Health Check for existing customers only?

Absolutely not! We welcome any vehicle into our workshops. Book your Winter Health Check here. We look forward to seeing you.